In the hosting world, overselling means advertising characteristics which a client pays for, but can’t really take advantage of. Several of the attributes of a given website hosting solution can belong to this category - hard disk storage, traffic, database storage space, and many others. A plan could come with unrestricted disk space, as an illustration, but many hosting service providers make accounts on just a single server which can have a limited number of hard drives and since all of the customers upload content, there won't be any space left on the server eventually or there'll be some secret quotas so as to make sure that every customer has their share, although everyone has paid for unlimited space. Since most web hosting Control Panels are designed to work on one server, lots of providers don't really have a choice but to oversell, which is nothing else but tricking their customers.

No Overselling in Cloud Website Hosting

If you get one of our cloud website hosting plans, you'll receive what you have paid for with no exclusions. We do not oversell and we will give you all the system resources which you find on our site for any of the packages. Even the features that are listed as limitless don't have hidden quotas and we are able to afford that as we use a really powerful custom hosting platform. Instead of generating accounts on a single server like the majority of companies do, we have clusters of servers taking care of each and every part of the hosting service - file storage, database access, e-mails, stats, etc. Therefore, the system resources are practically limitless as we can keep adding disk drives or whole servers to any of the clusters. In contrast to almost all well-known Control Panels, our Hepsia tool was meant to work on such a platform.

No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Though a lot of the features of our semi-dedicated hosting plans are listed as unrestricted, we don't oversell and we would never do that since we believe that building mutual trust between a hosting company and its customers is very important. We do provide all the unrestricted features because of our advanced cloud web hosting platform where all semi-dedicated accounts are created. The platform consists of numerous clusters which will handle your files, databases, visitor statistics, emails, etcetera, so the resources we have are practically limitless because we can expand any of the clusters when needed by adding more hard disk drives to expand the disk space or servers to increase the computing power. In case you sign up with our company, you'll never pay for features that you are not able to actually use.