The monthly traffic function is usually referred to as data transfer or bandwidth as well, yet all of the abovementioned terms apply to the very same thing - the amount of content can be transferred to and from a cloud website hosting account. The site traffic can be produced in two ways, the more visible one being web site visits. If someone visits your website, their Internet browser requests and downloads the webpages from your hosting server then shows them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outbound traffic is generated from your web hosting account. Due to the fact that this particular characteristic includes the overall website traffic, not only the website visits, you shouldn't forget that inward traffic is measured as well. Which means that website content along with other files that you upload to the account with a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards your account allowance. The transfer is usually monitored per month and the counter resets on the very first day of each and every month whatever your actual date of signup.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting

We have selected all the features of our cloud website hosting plansin a way, in order to help with the development of every web site hosted on our superior cloud system. The site traffic that your account can generate is not an exception, so with a hosting package from our company, you will not have to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account any time. You will be able to host a lot of small-scale and medium-sized web sites and ensure that your monthly traffic quota won't be a problem for their progress. Furthermore, we supply you with comprehensive hourly, daily and monthly statistics that will give you extra info for the site traffic that a particular site produces or which particular page/file is being downloaded the most and produces the most traffic. This info can help you organize the administration of your web sites along with your marketing strategies better.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated server plans are suitable to host various resource-demanding websites because they come with a great deal of computing power. Such web sites usually generate a lot of site traffic and by reason of this we have decided not to limit this feature. With a semi-dedicated server, you can have as many visitors as you are able to get without having to worry that you'll hit some limit for the site traffic they will produce. For your benefit, you can keep track of what's going on in your account since we will give you monthly, daily and hourly figures for the website traffic your websites generate. This means that, you will be informed on how they function at any time. You'll even be able to view which web page or file has generated the most traffic for each website in your semi-dedicated server account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS

With every virtual private server package that you will find here, we provide a unique monthly website traffic allowance that depends on how powerful your server is. Thus, we can keep our lower-end plans less expensive and provide you with a chance to select the package you really need depending on your budget as well as your resource needs. Updating from one plan to another is pretty simple and normally takes only a few clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, so if you start to get more site visitors at some point so you need a larger site traffic allowance, you will be able to transfer to a better package anytime. We will contact you whenever you reach 90% of your monthly allowance, hence you will have the required time either to update or to optimise your web sites, in order to lower the outgoing website traffic. Our VPS plans also come with a server administration panel where you can see the amount of traffic has already been used for the present month and how much is left up till you reach the allowance restriction.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting

The Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that we supply feature great site traffic quotas that are sufficient for almost any web site, even a video streaming portal or a preferred online community. Terabytes of site traffic will be at your disposal every month and the control panel that is featured with every single dedicated server will give you data how much data has been transferred already and what amount is available for the current month. To avoid service disruptions, we will notify you if you reach 90% of the allowance and you'll be able to either lessen the website traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their data, or you may increase the quota for your account. It's extremely unlikely that you'll ever need such an update, but we chose to leave this option open. The stats in that panel contain the full traffic, compared to the info in your hosting Control Panel where you can see only the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.